How does a gas suppression system work?
A gas suppression system is a highly effective technological solution that works by releasing an odorless, invisible flame retardant into the air to prevent fires from spreading and extinguishing them once they're out. The fire tetrahedron, or "four-sided pyramid" as it is sometimes called for short contains all the elements needed to sustain combustion. Fuel with an open flame at its center fuels a chain reaction that generates heat and oxidizers like oxygen which then combine in order constitute a firestorm passion this proves how complex fires can be despite their simplicity! All fires need four key components to be ignited and maintained. By removing any one or more of these, you can extinguish the fire tetrahedron completely - but if it's not under control then always call an expert for help! Stopping the chain reaction of combustion By removing or containing the fuel source By reducing or cutting off the oxygen source Extinguish the fire by removing enough heat ...